Relaxing Afternoon On Rocky Mediterranean Coast Under White Parasols

Relaxing Afternoon On Rocky Mediterranean Coast Under White Parasols


A photo of the sea in Italy taken on an iPhone, close up shot of chairs and white beach umbrella with tassels, stone walls along edge of water, calm ocean, blue sky,

A photo of the sea in Italy taken on an iPhone, close up shot of chairs and white beach umbrella with tassels, stone walls along edge of water, calm ocean, blue sky,

Last update

May 22, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024




Free to use under the Vave license

Relaxing Afternoon On Rocky Mediterranean Coast Under White Parasols


A photo of the sea in Italy taken on an iPhone, close up shot of chairs and white beach umbrella with tassels, stone walls along edge of water, calm ocean, blue sky,


Last update

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024




Free to use under the Vave license


A photo of the sea in Italy taken on an iPhone, close up shot of chairs and white beach umbrella with tassels, stone walls along edge of water, calm ocean, blue sky,

Thursday, May 9, 2024